Celebrating Chinese New Year in Singapore: Traditions, Family, and Festivities

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year (CNY) is the biggest bash of the year in Singapore! Think street parties and feasts that stretch your stomach (and your pants) to the limit. Spanning 15 days of celebration, the first two days pack in the most action – with traditions that are as rich in meaning as they are in flavour. Let’s dive into some of the highlights!

Chinese New Year
Reunion Dinner before Chinese New Year

Reunion Dinner: The Ultimate Family Feast

Kicking off on CNY Eve is the famous Reunion Dinner (团圆饭, tuán yuán fàn). It’s like a festive food marathon where everyone – from your cool cousin to that uncle who always asks if you’re married yet – gathers to eat, chat, and celebrate being together. This dinner isn’t just about satisfying your taste buds (though that’s a huge perk); it’s about unity, prosperity, and kicking off the new year with a heart (and belly) full.

Chinese New Year
LoHei on Chinese New Year

Must-have dishes include:
Yu Sheng (鱼生) – A messy, joyous toss of raw fish salad, with everyone shouting auspicious phrases for good luck (the higher the toss, the better your luck – so aim for the ceiling!).

Pen Cai (盆菜) – A treasure pot of abalone, prawns, mushrooms, and other fancy eats, layered together like a culinary love letter from the gods.

Chinese New Year
Reunion Dinner with extended family on Chinese New Year

Dumplings (饺子) – These little parcels of joy symbolize wealth because they look like old-school Chinese gold ingots. Plus, they’re delicious – double win!

Chinese New Year
Presenting mandarin oranges by kids to parents, by staff to bosses

Mandarin Oranges & Red Packets: Spreading Fortune with a Smile

When it’s time for house visits, you don’t just roll up empty-handed – nope, you bring a pair of mandarin oranges (柑, gān) as a gesture of goodwill. “Orange” sounds like “gold” in Chinese, so you’re basically handing over two little spheres of wealth and happiness. Talk about fruitful visits!

Chinese New Year
Presenting mandarin oranges by kids to parents, by staff to bosses

And let’s not forget the beloved red packets (红包, hóng bāo) – filled with crisp bills as blessings of prosperity. These are given by the married folks to the younger ones (hello, pocket money!). Pro tip: the amount is always an even number, and if you can sneak an “8” in there, you’re golden – literally, as it’s super auspicious.

Chinese New Year
Presenting red packets by parents to kids, by bosses to staff

Family Gatherings & Visiting Relatives: The Original Social Network

The first two days of CNY are all about family time and catching up with relatives you might only see once a year.

Day 1 – Pay respects to the elders. This means lots of bowing, well-wishing, and hopefully scoring some of those red packets!

Chinese New Year
When visiting extended family, the same rules for oranges and red packets apply

Day 2 – Married daughters head back to their parents’ place, often dragging along their new families in tow. It’s a day filled with storytelling, laughter, and the inevitable comparison of who’s gotten the chubbiest over the holidays.

Chinese New Year
Sisters coming together

Of course, no visit is complete without a table groaning under the weight of festive snacks – pineapple tarts, bak kwa (sweet BBQ meat slices), and love letters (crispy egg rolls). Calories don’t count during CNY, right?

Chinese New Year
The whole family comes together

The Spirit of Chinese New Year

At its heart, CNY is about relationships – keeping family bonds strong, spreading joy, and embracing the new year with hope and positivity. In Singapore, as lanterns light up the streets and lion dances fill the air with excitement, we’re reminded that it’s not just about traditions – it’s about the people we share them with.

Happy Chinese New Year, 恭喜发财!

Gong Xi Fa Cai! May your new year be filled with joy, prosperity, and enough food to feed a small village!

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