Filing Tax

Filing Tax

A few years ago, I spoke to a Singaporean about our German tax system. I have to admit that after such a long time abroad I certainly don't know exactly anymore how the system works. However, I deduce from my old experience in Germany that nothing changes really quickly. The chance of catching German tax officials red-handed while improving processes is certainly quite small. I think.
Another Marathon

Another Marathon

At the Start around 05:00h, I am really in a good shape like everyone else – hyper-optimistic and full of zest for action, for my next marathon. Let’s go. The first kilometres pass by easily, since there is a good portion of pride. Not everyone runs a marathon. The fact that I am in my fifties adds to that pride.
In Putien

Chinese for Beginners

A while ago I started another attempt to touch up my Chinese. Hence, I had a Beijing-Chinese lady coming to our home as a tutor. I was able to make some progress because she did not speak any English at all. Although, I strongly felt that she did an excellent job, my wife substituted her away. My wife explained that this lady was too pretty. That is correct. However, I see a strong correlation between the success in learning a language and the attractiveness of the teacher.   

Monitor Lizzard

Animals in Singapore

I think it is quite obvious that Singapore is not part of Germany, but somewhere “down there” as one of my sisters always says. This description locates a small, teeny, tiny island between the gigantic island Sumatra and the Indian Ocean in the West, the Malaysian Peninsula in the North and the Pacific Ocean in the East and South. If I would say that my favourite girl-friend sleeps in the Northern hemisphere and I sleep in the South in the same bed, then it is not exactly right. Actually, Singapore is located two hours on the high speed boat in the North from the equator.

Going Home – Slowly

Going Home – Slowly

Today, I had the pleasure to sit in the slowest car on the Chinese east coast. I had to take a ride from Wuxi to Shanghai-Pudong airport. After starting from…
Seven Days in Tibet

Seven Days in Tibet

Together with our friends Frank and Mila and a mixed group from Singapore and Indonesia Amy and I spent our „vacation" in Tibet from 27 May to 02 June 2009. A great experience that we probably only make once. Why this adventure? For a long time the "Roof of the World" was one of my dream destinations. Unfortunately, I did not know that this would be less a vacation, but rather an adventure with some quite tough encounters.